IC# 117 – Neal Morse & Friends – Morsefest Inner Circle Show – Trinity Church, Brentwood – Jan 13, 2024
This time around we have the video and audio of Inner Circle show from Morsefest in London (well Brentwood!) in 2024! Each of the Inner Circle shows was different at the Testimony Morsefests, and we made sure that we tapped into the people who were available in each location!
At Brentwood, we already had Ross Jennings along to do support on Friday evening and he also sang Supernatural during Testimony 2. So it seemed like a cool opportunity to have a 2/3 of D’Virgilio, Morse & Jennings set – we did two songs for the first time before a live audience, Julia and The Weary One! Talon David is living in London and she joined us to sing a song I wrote called More Than I Am – you may not have heard this one before!
Of course I had my faithful friends Randy George, Bill Hubauer, Philip Martin, Julie Harrison and Amy Pippin join me – plus Francis Norman who played violin during the main shows came to join us to add a different element to the sounds.
You’ll all now know the Late Bloomer album, but in Jan 2024, these were songs that were just being recorded – so the audience was the very first people to hear them! So To Love You and Be Alive, Late Bloomer and Canice Cathedral received their premieres. And if that wasn’t enough… Open Wide the Flood Gates kicked things off, and we had singalong versions of Wind at my Back and Stranger In Your Soul to finish it up. One quick note… there was a bit of a technical hitch that meant we had to restart Stranger! We debated editing it out, but, hey, we know you’ll be forgiving – the Inner Circle show is part of an already huge weekend of music, so by its very nature it’s looser in feel – but I am sure you will enjoy this.
Join Neal’s Inner Circle today!